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Abhijith PA

Hello, I'm Abhijith. A Free Software enthusiast.

  1. to

    I let go my domain It was getting expensive and I don’t fancy that anymore. I never actually purchased this domain but came with a package offer. I then kept it for couple of years. …

  2. A new(kind of) phone

    I was using a refurbished Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro (codename: sakura . I do remember buying this phone to run LineageOS as I found this model had support. But by the time I bought it (there was a quite a gap between my research and the actual purchase) lineageOS ended the suport for this device. The maintainer might’ve ended this port, I don’t blame them. Its a non rewarding work. …

  3. Running Debian on my phone

    You might have already read my blog titled ‘Running PostmarketOS on my phone’. After running pmOS on phone, my mind kept talking “run Debian”. So I started preparing for that. …

  4. Attending FOSSASIA 2023

    I attended FOSSASIA 2023 summit held at Lifelong Learning Institute, Singapore. A 3 day long parallel talk filled conference. Its my second time attending FOSSASIA. The first one was 2018 summit. Like last time, I didn’t attend much talks but focussed on networking with people. A lot of familiar faces there. PV Anthony, Harish, etc. …

  5. Running PostmarketOS on my phone

    Couple of weeks back I installed PostmarketOS on my idle phone Leeco Le 1s , which was paper weight for some time now. …

  6. Laptop refreshment

    (Sorry if you have read this already, due to a tag mistake, my draft copy got published) …

  7. Trip to misty mountains in Munnar

    Munnar is a hill station in Idukki district of Kerala, India. Home to 2nd largest tea plantation in the country. Lot of people visit here on summer and in winter as well. I live in the neighboring district of Munnar though I never made a visit. In my mind I pictured Munnar as a Tourist trap with lots of garbage lying around. …

  8. Changing LCD screen of car infotainment system

    I have a 2013 model used car that I bought two years ago. It came with a 7 inch touch screen infotainment system on its dash board with features like navigation, Bluetooth phone connectivity and a good FM AM radio. Except the radio I rarely use navigation or Bluetooth phone sync. After couple of months the touch started to become non-responsive. Since all important things such as call termination, mute and volume control have physical switches, I was happy with it. …

  9. Part-2 Transition from Thunderbird to Mutt

    If you read my last blog. You might know that I moved my email away from thunderbird to mutt. I thought I will miss thunderbird, nope, not even for a bit. This transition was very smooth. Only things left in thunderbird was my calendar and RSS reader. …

  10. Transition from Thunderbird to Mutt

    I was going OK with Thunderbird and enigmail(though it have many problems). Normally I go through changelogs before updating packages and rarely do a complete upgrage of my machine. Couple of days ago I did a complete upgrade of system which updated my Thunderbird to latest version and throwing of enigmail plugin for using their native openPGP support. There is a blog from Mozilla which I should’ve read earlier. Thunderbird’s builtin openPGP functionality is still in experimental, atleast not ready for my workflow. I could’ve downgrade to version 68. But I chose to move to my secondary MUA, mutt. I was using mutt for emails and newsletters that I check twice in a year a so. …